I have compiled a list of coping statements to help you deal with a panic attack. Please note that different coping statements work for different people. Also, given the irrational side of panic, attacking it with logic and reason may represent only part of what’s needed to get through a bout of panic. Please consult a mental health professional if you’re experiencing panic attacks.
These coping statements can be read and repeated to yourself. Find the ones that you can relate to. Sometimes with mild panic, the right self-talk can make a big difference in riding the wave of high anxiety.
Coping Statements for Panic
- I know this will pass. I just have to get through this and the panic will end.
- My anxiety is just playing a trick on me. I don’t like this trick so I won’t honor it.
- My anxiety doesn’t stay forever.
- Bumps in the road. Bumps in the road.
- I’m not going crazy. This is just really uncomfortable.
- My panic doesn’t control me. (Get angry about it.)
- This is bullshit! I’m in control. (A follow-up to #6).
- No one dies from a panic attack….ever.
- My painful thoughts right now are not an accurate measure of reality.
- Power through this!
- I always end up ok.
- Just a bit more time and I’m fine.
- My anxiety is only a small part of me.
- I am landing on solid ground. (Feel your feet planted on the floor.)
(DISCLAIMER: Reading this article does not constitute a therapeutic relationship with Dr. Greg Kushnick or Techealthiest Media, LLC. Please seek medical and mental health assistance if you think you are experiencing a panic attack.)