One political news article can worsen depression for the whole day. Is it worth it? -An inspiring quote about politics and mental health.
We are living in a dangerous times. How you consume news dictates your mental health more than you may realize. When it comes to political news, you are at high risk of feeling depressed and anxious if you consume frequent bits of political news. Just one article can spike your anxiety, depression and stress levels. Rarely will you feel good about political news, even if you believe justice was served. That’s the unfortunate truth.
You must ask yourself, “Is it worth sacrificing my mental health to satisfy my need to know the latest political news?”
If you feel like your mental state is fragile, it’s even more important to resist the urge to check the news.
Consider that there’s a tipping point beyond which your mental health suffers. For many people it’s one rotten piece of political news. For others it’s multiple instances of ingesting negative or provocative political news that sours your mood.
Each time you feel the urge to check the news or visit your social media feed, first assess your mental state. Do you want to sour a positive mental vibe? Are you in a state of mind to endure upsetting news?
When I present this idea, people commonly respond, “Well, I have to stay informed!” Or they say something like, “Information is power!” People often say they can’t help it. They have to check. They do it without thinking.
Consider that there’s a huge risk to checking the news. Check less frequently.
If you check political news in the morning, it could affect your mental health throughout the day, even in subtle ways.
I ask again…is it worth it?
Make it a choice to check political news rather than a mindless impulse.
Social media bombards us with political news and echo chambers that sound the alarm. Even if a social media echo chamber makes you feel like you’re not alone in your opinions, there’s a price to pay.
Another very important point is that politics, especially around major elections, almost always involves heavy judgment against opposing viewpoints. You must realize that moments of heavy judgment make you depressed. They don’t boost your mood in any way. (For another quick lesson on this topic, take a look at this inspirational quote on overcoming resentment and judgment, which is one of the most important quotes I’ve ever created.)
As you read an article about politics, pay attention to the amount of judgment you feel. In my experience working with thousands of clients in therapy, I have learned a simple but painful truth: The people who are most likely to judge others are also the most likely to have chronic depression. Said differently, judgment promotes depression.
This thought-provoking quote is meant to inspire you to consume political news responsibly.
Your first move: Practice adding a sacred moment before you political news sites and social media. Ask yourself if you’re prepared to handle the mental health effects of painful political news. After all, the purpose of the news is to tell you what to worry about!